Common Ingredients

Alfalfa: aids in healing allergies and neutralizing stomach ailments. Contains chlorophyll to help bad breath, helps prevent tooth decay, cleanses the kidneys, removes poisons from the body, neutralizes acids, is an excellent blood purifier, improves the appetite and aids in the assimilation of protein, calcium and other nutrients.

Brown Rice: contains a generous supply of B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Very nutritious and of all the grains available, is the most easily digested. Helps aid with diarrhea. Lowers cholesterol and can prevents kidney stones

Chicken Fat: rich in omega 6 fatty acids. Is used as a preservative. Doesn’t contain the allergy protein

Chickpeas: highly nutritious, non-glutinous, non-acid forming and non-allergenic. They are also a great source of zinc and foliate, contain antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and phytonutrients, improve control of blood sugar and insulin secretion, help lower your risk of colon problems, help reduce cardiovascular risks.

Chlorine Chloride: a B vitamin and prevents the deposition of fat in the liver. It is an essential in synaptic transmission of nerve impulses. Found in broccoli

Duck Fat: contains vitamins A, D, E and K. A great source of both omega 3 & 6. Used as a preservative

Fenugreek: helps decrease inflammation, lowers blood glucose, improves digestion, maintains a healthy metabolism, tones the kidneys, and helps with skin and coat problems. Contains vitamin C, niacin, potassium, alkaloids and lysine.

Folic Acid: involved in every bodily function that requires cell division. It is used to generate red blood cells, help wounds heal, build muscle and produce brain and nervous-system chemicals. Folic acid ‑fights anemia, retards gum disease, improves fertility, prevents birth defects and lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke. Found in vegetables like Kale.

FOS: (Fructooligosaccharide) is a prebiotic that comes from inulin, but is much more e­ffective in colonizing bacteria in the gut. Found in vegetables like chicory.

Garlic: A natural antibiotic that has the ability to destroy harmful bacteria, while it leaves beneficial bacteria behind at the same time. Strengthens the heart, nourishes the stomach, spleen and lungs, improves circulation, stimulates the immune system, reduces gastrointestinal upsets, reduces inflammation, and reduces fatigue.

Kelp: a rich source of vitamins and minerals including essential trace minerals for balanced growth. Kelp helps support health and reproduction, aids in digestion, helps maintain a healthy stomach, helps reduce environmental allergies, promotes healthy skin and coat and helps clean the kidneys, bladder and uterus.

Lecithin: aids in digestion and absorption of fat, lowers cholesterol, improves physical performance and liver function. Found in legumes like soy beans.

Linseed: one of the richest known sources for omega 3 fatty acids. Improve digestion, help alleviate disorders of the colon, soothe the stomach while helping provide a shiny coat.

Mixed Tocopherals: Vitamin E and is used as an antioxidant to preserve the food.

Niacin: also known as Vitamin B3 helps process carbohydrates, protein and fat. Necessary for a healthy nervous system and brain functions. Niacin has earned a reputation as a natural cholesterol-lowering agent. It may also help to prevent or treat a number of other disorders, from arthritis to diabetes. Niacin can be found in fish like tuna.

Parsley: contains high levels of beta carotene, vitamin B12, chlorophyll, calcium and more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Parsley aids in digestion, supports the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands, purifies blood and body fluids, helps the body’s defensive mechanisms by choking negative bacteria and is a great immune booster.

Pearl Millet: highly nutritious, non-glutinous, non-acid forming, beneficial to the stomach, spleen and pancreas, and is considered to be one of the least allergenic and most digestible grains available. Millet is a good source of fiber, a complete protein and is rich in phytochemicals, which lower cholesterol. Millet is a great grain for intestinal disorders and is ideal for the management of blood sugar.

Peppermint: a digestive aid, eases gas and bloat, oxygenates the bloodstream, purifies the blood and helps control flatulence, diarrhea, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Chrohn’s disease.

Riboflavin: promotes growth and is important in carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. It is used for the nervous system, utilization of energy, healthy skin and coat, and tissue repair.

Selenium: a powerful antioxidant, helps boost immune function, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Can be found in fish like tuna.

Sodium Chloride: an electrolyte that works with potassium to regulate the body’s water balance and is found essential in small quantities for growth. Also used to maintain osmotic tension of blood and tissues.

Taurine: an essential amino acid which is not utilized in protein synthesis, but is found free or in simple peptides. Low levels of taurine are associated with cardiomyopathy, retinal degeneration and growth retardation.

Vitamin A: is necessary for the maintenance of eyesight, skin tissue, the respiratory, urogenital and digestive tract and the immune system.

Vitamin B12: is needed for the formation of red blood cells and the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin C: an antioxidant that prevents plaque buildup on blood vessels. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, promotes healing and reduction of inflammation, helps repair joint injuries, helps create energy and production of antistress hormones.

Vitamin D3: regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption from the digestive tract. It promotes normal bone calcification and is necessary for bone formation in the young animal and the normal maintenance of adult bone. In some recent studies it has also shown great promise in assisting psoriasis, the immune system, thyroid function as well as normal blood clotting. Vitamin D3 can be found in fish like salmon

Vitamin E: an antioxidant vital to normal reproductive processes and helps maintain the stability of cellular membranes throughout the body.

Yucca: helps keep hips and joints healthy, helps avoid inflammation, reduces breath and stool odor, and helps reduce skin disorders and eruptions.


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