Have you ever thought about how your best friend may feel walking on all that salt, crusty snow and icy puddles? Depending on where you may live, winter can throw a whole bunch of nasty weather your way. Just like nutrition - most people now-a-days are looking at their foods ingredients and now are looking at their pets. So if you think about it, you wouldn't walk bare foot in snow, why should your dog?
Just like us, our friends are prone to frostbite, and susceptible to painful burns on their paws when they walk over the harsh chemicals found in snow melting products.
Dog boots can provide protection against all kinds of winter mayhem !
You will want boots that:
1. keep water out
2. provide traction
3. protect against chemicals
4. fit properly
Some good names are :
-pawz for boots
Thursday, November 14, 2013
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